Yoga Seeds

Yoga Gives Back Fundraiser: Ashtanga with Wendy
with Wendy Chan

October 31 (Thursday)
at 8:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

YS Shala

“For the cost of one yoga class, you can change a life.”

Let's support a good cause to give back to the motherland of Yoga by joining Wendy, Yoga Gives Back Ambassador, for a dynamic and energising Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga session this Deepavali. 

This 60-minute class follows the sequence of the Ashtanga Full Primary Series (Yoga Chikitsa). The session will focus on the “Tristhana Method”, where the breath, the gaze and postures are woven tightly together, transforming the physical asana practice into a moving meditation with heightened awareness and increased focus.

This practice is suitable for yoga enthusiasts with some basic exposure to ashtanga vinyasa style of yoga. Beginners are welcome, but do be prepared for a challenging practice!

All proceeds will be donated to Yoga Gives Back.


Yoga Gives Back Fundraiser: Ashtanga with Wendy Chan

  • $45, standard ticket price


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